Database By DesignBuilding Better Business |
Order Form - An electronic version of your order form(s). Place an Order; Retrieve customers' name/address; Find Customer/Order information instantly.
No two
order forms EVER look the same because they are based on your company.
In this example, the Customer (Client), Contact, Bill To, Shipment and Supplier
are all drop down choices coming from other tables. No repeat information has
to be re-entered.
Database By Design specializes in automating tasks because we use the Relational
Database Model. The Relational Model eliminates repetitive information, and
reduces data entry error. What does this mean to you?
When the user chooses the Product -- the Type, In Stock, and Unit Price appear
automatically. Mock Apples are always Non-Perishable, so that information is
stored in the Product Table and automatically appears in the order's detail.
Bonnie Bevan
4 Cots Street
Shelton, CT 06484
Phone: 203-922-9205 Fax: 775-637-4093
Email: bbevan@databasebydesign.net